Eat Play Grow is a seven week summer program targeting 0-6 year olds, parents and their caregivers. It takes place in Town Square Park every Thursday starting June 9th from 10:30am-11:30am, where the program focuses on healthy habits in the home, from eating, sleeping, and being active. Partnering with Salmon Valley Local Foods has been a great success and Lemhi After School Promise will provide lunch for the kids upon completion.
Finally Summer Reading is right around the corner. Registration opens June 13th-17th and logging your minutes began on June 2nd. You can sign up next week to participate in either the reading portion, activity portion (this year’s theme On Your Mark Get Set, Read) or both. Activities take place in July on Wednesdays, including hop scotch, yoga, zumba, obstacle courses, etc. We look forward to another successful year of fun.
For those of you who already gathering the information on this past beautiful Saturday, we look forward to seeing you in this week to sign up!
Check out some action shots!
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