What's For Dinner?
Summer of Code Week 2 saw some returning faces as well as new ones! So thankful to all the young patrons taking advantage of this amazing opportunity we’re presenting thanks to Khan Academy. Dusting off some initial rust from a week long layoff the students dove right in and conquered learning how to color with code. Answering the philosophical questions of “Why can’t we just draw it on the computer with our mouse?”, to which I tried to explain the idea of this language is in place of that mouse and what you type the computer does. Whether the message was received or not, the students pushed onward.
With 18 lines of code, we’ve already seen so much progress in a short time. If they stick with it, they’ll be designing websites, applications, & games in no time!
We ended with a creative project of “What’s For Dinner?” We saw lots of great examples of meals on plates, using the tools we’ve gained so far, regarding shapes and colors. Here are some more highlights!
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