Can You Dig It?
Salmon is a small town with a busy Summer schedule. To possibly know what is going on all the time is a fruitless effort. Luckily we have avenues to which we can share the amazing work that people are doing through sites like the Library as well as local newspapers, radio, etc. I’d like to share with you a group, called the Rockhounders who regularly utilizes the library meeting room for it’s meetings. They shared with us the successful workshop they had this past weekend, despite the activity of the fair going on. Between 50 to 60 adults came out amongst an enthusiastic group of kids. Rocks continue to dazzle, engage, and educate all ages and this weekend showed great proof of that. We’re fortunate to have the direction of Allen Marquette who continues to provide great opportunity for those who wish to get involved. Upcoming they have a field trip scheduled to hunt for Ruby’s. Idaho is the GEM state and the Rockhounders of Salmon do a great job at highlighting the beauty within our state. If you’d like to be involved or have more information stop by the library and ask or contact Allen Marquette here for further info. Here are few snap shots of the amazing turnout and joy seen from the participants last weekend!
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