Smash! Boom!….went the meteorite as it hit the surface of the moon. Universe of Stories second program was in full effect Wednesday when youth investigated the impact of extraterrestrial projectiles crashing into the moon’s surface with program lead, Allen Marquette, through organization of Francesca Bessey.
Allen set the stage of space by describing our moon, meteorites & asteroids and how they all interact. Youth took to the moon boxes filled with flour measuring the distance to the surface of the rocks they dropped, each time mapping it’s impact through drawings. What happens when we go higher? Lower? How about throwing it with force? At an angle?
Great opportunities for self discovery and curiosity through simple activities!
In the small conference room, Erin Barrett took the pre-k youth through a hands on exploratory view of the moon’s surface by painting a floury cocktail onto a 2D surface. This mixture added a new dimension allowing the moon’s surface to rise from the paper. Bedazzle with a few star stickers and wham, you’ve got yourself a genuine cratered moonscape.
Thanks Bri-Easy Shipping LLC for the last minute supply of boxes! And rockhound club founder, Allen Marquette for bringing his expertise and enthusiasm to the youth of Salmon!
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