A great start to the Power Hour of STEAM with Pioneer 5th Graders this week. In our second week of “Art” and students got to practice mixing paint colors and finish up their scaled monsters. The first batch of students got to put paint to the wall, filling in what is sure to be a highlight as you walk the halls of Pioneer Elementary. The students came up with the words/phrases they thought represented them and their school adding an additional layer of meaning to this mural.
The highlights for us are always an impact on the students. Overhearing conversations and comments such as,
“Plotting was my favorite part,” or “I hope we get to do this again, my dad paints and I want to do that with him.”
Or finally being able to witness the pride that beams from these students as younger grades walk down the hall with an inquiry into what is going on, exclaiming,
“We want to paint too!”
To which the 5th graders respond politely, “When you’re in 5th grade, you’ll get to do this too.”
Thanks again to our wonderful volunteer for this project Janet Wiles for taking so much time out of her schedule to help teach, supervise, empower these students to improve the world around them!
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