Find the 2019 Salmon Bookfolk Challenge Category list online
Wondering what do to do with yourself during the cold, dark, winter months?! How about escape through the pages of a book?! Join Salmon Public Library’s 4th annual Bookfolk Challenge! A personal, adult reading challenge, where you challenge yourself to read books outside your comfort zone.
Signup begins:
Friday, November 1st
We’ll be handing out reading logs for you to keep track of your progress. New categories! New Authors! New prizes! Oh yes, prizes. Finish 12 of 24 books and receive a smaller tier 1 prize. Finish all 24 categories by June 1st and receive the whole sha-bang! And best of all it’s FREE! We’ve done all the work assembling categories and lists of books to choose from, you do the signing up and reading, we do all the rest!
Sign-ups & reading starts on Friday! Tell your friends.
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