Let's Connect Something
When it comes to moving about our daily lives most of us can’t do it without the help from tiny pathways connecting hi volt to lo volt. Allowing our coffee machines to brew, traffic lights to turn green, and much of well anything we consider modern, then we must appreciate the science behind the circuit. This week Christian will delve into simple circuitry helping anyone who wants to know about this magical subject in his TILT (Technical Immersion for Lemhi Tutors) class on Wednesday 11am-on at the Salmon Public Library meeting room.
As he builds capacity and generates more attendance and awareness he’ll be taking the class on field trips outside the designated meeting room of the library for how technology and nature can and will utlimately intertwine. It’s free to join, it’s open to all ages. Bring your open mind, enthusiasm for learning and exploring and have fun discovering the wonders of Technology.
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